Sunday, September 25, 2022

Is your pet drinking enough water?

Is your pet drinking enough water?

Principles of Pet Hydration

80 percent of a pet’s body is water, compared to 55 to 60 percent in humans! The amount of water an animal needs depends on activity level, weight, and diet. In general, a dog will need 1 ounce of water per pound of body weight per day for optimal pet hydration. Having sufficient water intake allows the body to flush toxins, keeps organs hydrated, and keeps energy levels up.

Meal Times 

 In warmer weather, an animal’s appetite usually decreases, just like ours. You may find it helpful to feed your pet at cooler times of the day or offer small meals throughout the day. You can moisten a pet’s dry food with some water to help increase their fluid intake. Make sure your pet has access to water at all times, changing it frequently to keep it fresh.

Tips to Keeping Your Pet Hydrated

Whenever you’re drinking water, make sure to think of your pet! 

Offer fresh water and have multiple bowls available in the areas where your pet hangs out the most. At night, place drinking water by your pet’s sleeping spot.

  • Try to limit the amount of time your pet spends in the sun.
  • Do not leave a pet in the car unattended, ever!
  • Plan ahead, reserve pet care services in advance to ensure your pets have the best care during this summer.
  • Try and exercise your pet at the cooler times of the day, so you can safely give your pet some vigorous exercise.
  • Trim your pet’s coat if they are particularly furry, long-haired breeds to help cope with the warmer temperatures.
  • Small paddling pools can be fun and help your pet cool down.
  • Put ice cubes in the water dish to entice more drinking.
  • Add water to their food to increase daily water intake.

Pets that are elderly, young, or overweight and those with underlying medical problems tend to be more vulnerable in hot weather. To reduce the risk to your pet, ensure they do not spend long periods in the sun and make sure they have access to plenty of shade or air-conditioning.

What Are the Symptoms of Dehydration?

  • Loss of skin elasticity.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Vomiting with or without diarrhea.
  • Reduced energy levels and lethargy.
  • Panting.
  • Sunken, dry-looking eyes.
  • Dry nose.
  • Dry, sticky gums.

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