Sunday, September 25, 2022

3 Reasons Why You Should Treat Your Dog to a Mid-Day Walk Every Day

1. Increased pet Health

Giving your pet three or more 15-minute walks a day is one of the best things you can do to keep them healthy. Exercise keeps a dog's muscles toned and metabolic process running smoothly. 

2. Conserve Time

Are you unable to run home for lunch because of your lengthy commute? Hiring a mid-day dog walker can help you manage that even if you work from home and are unable to take a break

3. A dog that is drained is a good dog!

Burning off extra energy on a pleasant stroll will prevent your dog from developing damaging negative behaviours within your house. Your pet will be able to expend some of that extra energy by petstore going for petwalk, in the middle of the day and can then relax until you get home .